Community Glade Valley headline 

WHS FFA Plant Sale

by Justin Miller of WHS Lions Pride A beautiful array of flowers, bedding plants, herbs and vegetables are being sold at Walkersville High School for the annual FFA Plant Sale. The plants are being sold in hopes of raising funds for FFA, “[Our goal is] to raise enough money to pay for the FFA activities,” states Greg Stull, the FFA advisor; this is his fourth plant sale. “It started before I was here; most schools with a horticulture program do [plant sales],”Stull explains. “…we get return customers because we grow…

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Glade Valley headline News 

Pacific Ocean Blob Causing Cold

by Justin Miller of Walkersville Lions Pride “The blob” is the reason we got snow in March in 2015 and why today, April 24th 2015, a freeze watch has been issued for the weekend. Why on Earth is it so cold? “The blob”- that’s why. “The blob” is a term coined by climate scientist Nick Bond and refers to a very large patch of water on the West Coast that is about 2-3 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than it usually is in that part of the Pacific Ocean. Not only has…

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