WHS Students Enjoy the Fall Time of Year

WHS Lions Pride Original Story:

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

features tori -Favorite fall activites 2features tori 2Favorite Fall activitie

by Tori Caulfield

 When someone says the word “fall” what comes to your mind? Is it Halloween? Watching football? The pumpkin patch? Or maybe even pumpkin pie? Some students from WHS  share what the love most about the fall season and what they look forward to about it.

 “I really just look forward to the fact that it’s almost basketball season, I love playing basketball year-round.” said freshman Chase Tyeryar. Tyeryar also shared he enjoys the fact that the weather is not too hot or not too cold but it’s just plain nice outside and perfect weather for outdoor basketball. “I also like it when the leaves change colors I think it’s pretty cool.” said Tyeryar.

 “I really like to hunt A LOT in the fall.” said freshman Ben Hutzler. Hutzler shared he enjoys spending time outdoors during the nice fall weather and feeling as well. He enjoys going camping in Virginia with his family during this time. “Just anything outdoors really.” said Hutzler.

 “The feeling of fall in general really.” said sophomore Jessie Kaczor. “Also going to bonfires and taking naps is the best.” said Kaczor. Kaczor shared she has a birthday in the fall so it makes her look forward to the season as well. “I also really look forward to homecoming and Halloween because it’s just that ‘time of year’ feel” said Kaczor.

 “Definitely being able to wear comfy sweaters and leggings.” said sophomore Emilie Ralph. Ralph also shared she looks forward to eating amazing and seasonal pumpkin pie.

 “Cheerleading. I look forward to it. When I know it’s fall I know it’s cheer season so it gets me very excited.” said Ralph.

As fall is coming right around the corner, students are ready to fulfill their excitement about the feeling and adventure this season gives.

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

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