WHS Fundraisers

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

whs_logoWHS PTSA Safe and Sound will be conducting  a Cash and Gift Card BINGO event at New Midway Fire Hall Saturday, February 7, 2015.  Doors open at 11:30 am and games begin at 1:00 pm.  Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 at the door.  Food will be available from the New Midway Fire Company and there will be a Bake Sale table sponsored by the WHS PTSA Safe and Sound.  Reservations for tickets may be made by contacting safeandsoundwhs@gmail.com.  All proceeds benefit the WHS PTSA Safe and Sound Committee for this year’s graduation party.
WHS Band Sub Sales continue this month taking orders thru February 12, 2015.  Delivery date is February 17, 2015.  For order information please contact Windy Schmidt @ 240-236-7333.  All proceeds benefit the Walkersville High School Band.
WHS Key Club will be selling Valentine Candygrams at lunch from February 3, 2015 thru February 11, 2015.  Candygrams will be distributed February 12, 2015.  The cost of each is $2.00 and all proceeds will benefit the WHS Key Club.

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

WHS Golf Team will sponsor a “RED OUT NIGHT” February 6th at the home Girls Basketball Game vs Tuscarora High School.  Wear your red to show support for the LLS/Leukemia, Lymphoma society!  Donations will be accepted and a 50/50 raffle will be conducted  benefitting  the Leukemia Lymphoma Society.
WHS Key Club will be conducting a “Pennies for Patients” fundraising campaign from February 17th thru March 16 where classes will compete to see who can raise the most money for this cause.  When the event ends, all monies will be collected and sent to the Leukemia, Lymphoma Society .  All questions may be directed to Advisor Mrs. Erica Carbone at Erica.carbone@fcps.org.

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