Waste of Paper and Money

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

How many people actually read the Inside4U that the Frederick News Post throws at our door steps each week?

I wager very few.

I throw four into the recycling bin each week. Yes, four are thrown my way weekly.  For some reason, my front door, side door, and driveway each receive a copy.  My business also receives one.

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

If you have ever opened one, you will find pages of classifieds. I hope those running the ads don’t pay extra for this, because it ain’t worth it. Most of the copies I see as I walk around town swell like a sausage with rain soaked paper encased in plastic.

This leads me to ponder the cost to us as taxpayers.  The fine folks at the Frederick News Post sell classified advertising space based upon a given circulation. That number is met through the distribution of their publications, much of that rotting in our sidewalks. We place these in the recycling bin and pay to process the waste.

Who is bolstering the profits of one company? All of us with our processing of their product.

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