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Walkersville Talks Business, Trash, and Crime

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

cropped-townseal1.jpgThe Town of Walkersville’s Burgess and Town Commissioners met last night. After voting to support Frederick County’s Annual Road Priorities which places MD 194 as its top priority for secondary highways, trash and crime took up a lot of the discussions.

Commissioner Gary Baker brought up the Town’s Economic Development Commission’s report. He went over a few highlights and asked Town Manager Gloria Long Rollins to post the report online. Over the past year, the EDC updated the Town’s web site and social media presence, and started a community shred day. They are currently working on town signage, opening a farmers market, and tackling trash and blight. Their proposed ordinances to address garbage, trash and vacant properties have been forwarded to the Planning Commission.

Commissioner Weddle reported that a closed meeting was held after their last meeting to address personnel issues, but no action was taken during that meeting.  He moved to hold another closed meeting immediately following their current meeting, and his fellow commissioners supported the motion unanimously.

Burgess Ralph Whitmore reported an increase in trash along West Frederick Street between the middle school and Main Street.  He proposed the installation of a public trash can in the area of the Walkersville Barber Shop. He noted that the many middle school students walking home from school have nowhere to place their trash when walking home. The Town Commissioners approved the proposal.

Commissioner Russ Winch re-introduced the idea of a drug drop-off during the Community Shred Day, which is the same day as bulk trash collection. Town Manager Gloria Long Rollins reminded the commissioners that such a drop-off box requires added security by law. Resident Trooper Crouse was asked to research the requirements. He will check with Maryland State Police headquarters and Thurmont Police who offer such a drop-off box at the Thurmont Town Hall.

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

Commissioner Debbie Zimmerman had nothing to report. When asked about GVAA’s opening day, she reported that no such information was shared by GVAA. Commissioner Weddle and Burgess Whitmore found this unacceptable. The Town Manager reported that GVAA had not provided a calendar. Commissioner Winch reminded all that GVAA is to present a report annually at the beginning of each year along with $1 for rent. Commissioner Weddle asked that the GVAA be informed of this problem.

10498537_800257893343569_7562744270677352713_oFinally, Trooper Crouse reported on the increase of crime as the weather improves. He noted the use of social media in catching criminals in recent cases. On March 15, two young men broke into twenty-five cars. Within six hours of posting photos on social media, the suspects were identified. Earlier Wednesday, photos were posted online of a suspect in thefts at the Walkers Village Center, and they already had people calling to identify the suspect.

Trooper Crouse reminded the community to keep their doors locked on homes and vehicles.

When asked about the shooting at Discovery, Trooper Crouse responded that the lead investigator had no further leads in the case.  During the first few days, there were as many as five or six leads, but they had been exhausted.

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