Walkersville Taking On Blight
The Walkersville Economic Development Commission was charged by the Town’s Burgess and Commissioners to draft an ordiance or develop a plan to address various issues of blight on both residential and commercial properties around town. Their proposed ordinance will be reviewed by the Walkersville Planning Commission on Tuesday evening at Town Hall.
The proposed ordinance is can be viewed here: Proposed Garbage, trash and litter guidelines Updated 2 24 15.
The Planning Commission will also review a proposed site plan for the Singleton Fiber Arts Studio and Processing facility proposed for 25 Maple Avenue. As reported, the proposed use of the property was approved by the Walkersville Board of Appeals last month. The Planning Commission will have to approve the site plan for the proposed business to proceed with moving operations from Frederick to Walkersville.
The Planning Commission meets on Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. in Walkersville Town Hall. The public is welcomed and encouraged to attend.
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