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Walkersville Park Pavilion Rentals for 2015

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

townsealThe Town of Walkersville will begin accepting Park Pavilion Reservation Forms on Friday, January 2, 2015. Anyone wishing to use a pavilion must rent the pavilion by reserving the pavilion.  Walkersville offers four parks, three of which offer pavilions.

The majority of pavilions in Walkersville’s parks accomodate fifty people. These pavilions rent for $40 plus a $50 security deposit. One pavilion at Heritage Farm Park accomodates 125 people. This larger pavilion rents for $75 plus the $50 security deposit. According to the town’s web site, “the security deposit is returned after an inspection of the pavilion to verify it is clean and orderly.” Alcohol use at the park pavilions requires an additional $10 permit.

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

An event that makes use of the park other than the pavilions requires approval of the Parks Commission. Such events require the submittal of a Park Use Form for approval by the Parks Commission.  The Parks Commission of Walkersville meets at 7:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month in Walkersville’s Town Hall.

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