Walkersville Parade Winners
The Walkersville Volunteer Fire Company announced the results of the 2014 Walkersville Carnival Parade. The results were announced over the grounds late Tuesday night. So, many participants may have missed the announcement.
Fire Company Making Best Overall Appearance:
Independent Hose Company #1
Best Appearing Engine in County:
Lewistown Volunteer Fire Company #22
Best Appearing Engine from Outside of Frederick County:
Winfield Volunteer Fire Dept #14 (Carroll County)
Best Appearing Fire Truck:
Independent Hose Company Tower 1
Best Appearing Rescue Squad or Rescue Engine:
Jefferson Volunteer Fire Company Rescue Squad 20
Best Appearing Brush Truck:
Vigilant Hose Company Brush 65
Fire Company Traveling the Longest Distance:
Winfield Volunteer Fire Dept #14
Best Appearing Antique Fire Engine:
Marty Fuller
Best Appearing Majorette Group:
1st Place- Silver Starlets
2nd Place- Hagerstown Extreme Twirlers
3rd Place- Catoctin Aires Majorette Corps of Emmitsburg
Best Appearing Community Float:
1st Place- Kaleidoscope 4H Club
2nd Place- Walkersville Barbershop
Best Appearing Non-Fire Dept Float:
1st Place- U.S. Flag Service
2nd Place- Southside Tire
Best Appearing Antique Car:
1st Place- 1924 Police Paddy Wagon, Robert E. Club Assoc
2nd Place- 1957 Ford Fairlane 500, Merhle Young
Judges’ Award:
Abloom Florist
Attendance Honorariums:
1) WHS Band
2) Harmony Cornet Band
3) Browningsville Band
A special thanks to Walkersville Town Commissioner Russell Winch for allowing us to post some of his photographs of the parade. More of his photographs can be found on Walkersville's Facebook Page.
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