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Walkersville High School Fundraisers

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

whs_logoWalkersville High School Programs and Activities will be holding various fundraisers over the next two months.  Here is a run-down of ways you can support our Lions!

WHS Theatre – A Charlie Brown Christmas and The Best Christmas Pageant EverDecember 11th, 12th and 13th @ 7:00 pm and December 14th @ 2:00 pm
WHS Music Department – Breakfast with Santa – Saturday, December 13th from 8:00 am to noon.  $8 for adults, $4 for seniors and kids 4 – 12, FREE for kids age 3 and under.  There will be a Secret Santa Shop for the little ones; a Parent Shop for adults; face painting and music provided.  Menu consists of French toast sticks, fruit cup, bacon, sausage, milk, orange juice.  Photos with Santa are included in the price!
WHS Swim Team will conduct a Swim-a-thon on December 6th with all proceeds benefitting the Boys and Girls Swim Team.
FFA ImageWHS FFA will be selling Jacks Jerky @ $2 per stick after school in the Senior Cafeteria every day after school with proceeds benefitting the FFA.
WHS Boys Lacrosse will be providing concessions for the home Boys Basketball games and home Wrestling matches.
WHS Music Boosters will be providing concessions for the home Girls Basketball games.

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

WHS Wrestling will be conducting a donation campaign reaching out to loyal supporters thru 1/1/15.  All proceeds from this campaign will assist with the purchase of a new wrestling mat for the team.
WHS Safe and Sound will be selling Chick-Fil-A sandwiches and nuggets at the December 12th girls basketball game.  Proceeds from this sale will benefit the end of year Safe and Sound party for the Class of 2015 graduates!
WHS National Art Honor Society will be selling student artwork at their Winter Arts Show December 18th from 6:00 – 8:00 pm.
WHS Wrestling Team is selling Spirit Cups at a variety of prices thru December 4th to benefit the wrestling program.
Coming in January…
WHS Drama students present Murder in the Knife Room a full-length comedy directed by Advanced Theatre productions student Dakota Rosell.  January 12th at 7:00 pm  Tickets available on-line at
High School Musical, directed by senior Advanced Theatre production students Miranda Secula, Hanna McWilliams, Emily Goins, and Annie Moreno is a full length musical based on the blockbuster Disney movie.  Show date Thursday January 22nd at 7:00 pm.  Tickets available on-line at

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