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Vaccination Deadline for Students

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

Frederick County Public Schools want parents to be reminded that students without proof of required immunizations or proof of an appointment to get immunized before October 1, 2014 will not be admitted to classes beginning Tuesday, September 16, 2014.  Maryland requires certain immunizations for students in kindergarten and seventh grades.

All seventh grade students must be vaccinated for diptheria, tetanus, pertusis, and meningitis.  The vaccinations require two different shots; Tdap provides immunization for tetanus, diptheria, and pertusis.  The meningoccal vaccine is a separate immunization.

All kindergarten students must be immunized for a host of diseases including:

  • diptheria,
  • tetanus,
  • pertusis,
  • meningitis,
  • haemophilus influenza, type b,
  • Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

  • pneumococcal disease,
  • poliomyelitis,
  • measles (rebeola),
  • mumps,
  • rebella,
  • hepatitis B, and
  • varicella.

Parents and guardians of students who do not have documentation of immunizations have been contacted by schools.  On Monday, schools will also be placing a letter in the backpacks of children who do not meet the requirements.  Parents and guardians may also call the school to find out if they are missing any information or need to get their children vaccinated.

Primary healthcare providers, the Frederick County Health Department (301-600-1733), or other area health care providers can provide the necessary immunizations.

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