Three Frosh Happy to Be at WHS

WHS Lions Pride Original Story:

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

by Becky Brownfeatures - becky - frosh

The question that’s been on every incoming freshman’s mind all summer; is high school going to be better than middle school.

According to Will Anderson, Shannon Reiley, and Becky Dixon, the answer is yes! All three admitted to being nervous the first day, but once it was over, they couldn’t wait to come back. “I’m really glad to be out of middle school,” says Reiley. “The teachers are better and I know a lot of the upperclassmen, so it isn’t as scary.”

Dixon says, “The biggest difference between middle and high school are all the really tall people at lunch,” She also agrees that the teachers are extremely nice and welcoming. Both girls said that the first day of school was really nerve-racking, but after being here for a few hours and finding their friends at lunch, it wasn’t so bad.

Anderson seemed to have a slightly different opinion than both Dixon and Reiley. When asked what his favorite thing about school is so far, he said, “In the four hours I’ve been here, I really like how fast paced everything is. There’s also a lot more work, which is a big change.”

It’s normal to be nervous on your first day of school, but these freshmen seem to be adapting to all the changes quite well!

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

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