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SPOT ON Behavior at Glade Elementary

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

Glade has a school-wide behavior system which is a process for creating a safer and more effective school. It is an approach to enhance the capacity of our school to educate all children by developing school-wide and classroom discipline systems. The process focuses on improving a school’s ability to teach and support positive behavior for all students. At our school everyone is working hard to display SPOT ON Behaviors. Our behaviors are SPOT ON when we:

Jaguar Spot Designed by Maura Mayfield and Carson Finch, 4th Graders at Glade Elementary School
Jaguar Spot Designed by Maura Mayfield and Carson Finch, 4th Graders at Glade Elementary School

Show Respect for ourselves, others and property.
Prepare to attend school every day with a POSITIVE attitude.
Own our actions and our words.
Take Responsibility for our learning and our character.
When we catch students exhibiting SPOT ON behaviors and/or the pillars of good character, we reward them with a Jaguar Spot. This year’s Jaguar Spot was created by two fourth grade students, Maura Mayfield and Carson Finch. These can act as cash for students to make purchases from the school store at which students can trade in their SPOTS for school supplies and prizes during lunch.

When students forget to be SPOT ON they will:

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

  • Get a visual cue.
  • Get a verbal cue.
  • Have a conference with the teacher.
  • Take a time out.
  • Have a loss of incentive/and or phone call home.
  • See an administrator/office referral.

In every classroom, teachers will have a color-coded chart and clothes pins with student names on them. Each day every student’s clip starts in the middle at “Ready to Learn.” If a student isn’t showing SPOT ON behavior or good character, then his/her clip will get moved down the chart (starting with a visual cue). If the student can turn the undesirable behavior around then his/her clip may get moved back up the chart.

Our goal is to handle behaviors in a positive manner. However, reoccurring behaviors may lead to completion by a staff member on duty of a short form called a MINOR when an offense occurs, with a copy sent home and to the office. The purpose of the MINOR is to let the parent and the office know of the behavior prior to the behavior escalating to an office visit by written referral.

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