Social Studies Teacher Jason Lepeonka Shares His Teaching Story

WHS Lions Pride Original Story:

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

by Tori Caulfield


One of Walkersville High’s fantastic social studies teachers Jason Lepeonka shares his story about his life as a teacher and the excitement that comes along with it.

He’s been a teacher for 14 years and tfeatures - mr. lephree of those years he spent in North Carolina teaching grades 9-12. “I like the people better here, but the food better there.” said Lepeonka.

Lepeonka shared he attended Clarion University in Pennsylvania and majored in secondary education for history. Although, he was undecided about what he wanted to do even when he was in college. “After high school, when I left for college I was undecided, but after my freshman and sophomore year, I decided I wanted to become a teacher.” said Lepeonka.

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

He definitely had a purpose when choosing this career path. “ I wanted to shape and prepare young minds for when they leave high school.” said Lepeonka.

Lepeonka’s favorite part about being a teacher is the unexpected events and excitement and getting to build great relationships with his students that comes with the job. “There’s so many things I enjoy about it, but I really do like the fact that when you walk in everyday is different.” said Lepeonka.

Lepeonka shared he loves the interaction he has the advantage of having with students each day. “The daily interaction with the kids everyday is the greatest, I also really enjoy when I have the chance to see my current or past students outside of school, like running into them at places, keeping in touch to see how they’re doing. It’s cool to see what they’ve become after their years of high school.” said Lepeonka.

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