Should We Ban the Confederate Flag?

WHS Lions Pride Original Story:

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

opinions - confederate-flag-1-1400x650by Darryl Warren

Well, it looks like we’re progressing little by little in society. With all the negative things going out in the world, the Golden State of California has been stricken with hope.

Recent news has surfaced about California’s new law to ban the confederate from being used for display and/or merchandise. The bill, AB 2444 was presented by assemblyman Isadore Hall III and was passed on a 66-1 vote. During the 19th century, the Confederate flag was sign of Southern heritage and a painful reminder of slavery and segregation.

I got a chance to interview some of my colleagues about the new law. Sophomore Jamie Cooper said that “It’s good. It symbolizes hate.” Many people connect the Confederate flag with the Civil War.

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

Some see it as a reminder of how ignorant we were as a nation. Freshman Haley Spangler went to say “People don’t need to rebel against our country.” Oddly enough, I couldn’t find anyone who was against the recent ban.


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