Senior Elizabeth Knight Elected Student Ambassador for FFA

WHS Lions Pride Original Story:

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

clubs - ffa ambasadorby Becky Brown


The Future Farmers of America (FFA) chapter here at Walkersville High School has elected a new student ambassador. After going through four separate rounds of judging, Elizabeth Knight has been chosen to represent WHS throughout the community.

This September, a new ambassador was chosen for the 2014-2015 school year. Greg Stull, the leader of FFA at WHS said “A good ambassador is someone who is outgoing and really cares about the program.” This person is chosen to spread the word about FFA to the community and other students within Walkersville. Knight, the ambassador for the WHS chapter, had to answer questions regarding agriculture and the FFA organization in front of a panel of judges.

She then had to answer one final question at the community show dinner. “The dinner was set up along with a cake auction to raise money for our trip to nationals. I won’t be competing, but we have a group going that won first at states. They’re going for meat judging.” said Knight. Nationals will be taking place in Louisville, Kentucky.

The final question was drawn out of a fishbowl and answered immediately in front of everyone at the dinner. The question Knight was asked was “What is a question you wish the judges would have asked you in the original interview, and explain why.”

Her answer was “I wish they would have asked me why agriculture is important. The average farmer is fifty years old, and we need to start educating the younger audience so they can get involved and start learning more about it. If we don’t, we’ll start running out of food, and we won’t be able to provide for our families.”

Along with the cake auction, the dinner also included a ceremony showing all the previous ambassadors from the chapter at Walkersville. Many of the past FFA ambassadors attended the event and were honored through a slide show and in person. They then congratulated Knight as she was given the title of 2014-2015 WHS FFA ambassador.

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

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