Reickel Cuts His Hair!

WHS Lions Pride Original Story:

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

by Grainne McCormick

news - reickel haircutHis last hair cut being seven years ago, WHS English teacher Eric Reickel has officially chopped the locks!

We all know of Reickel as the Watership Down-loving, tall English teacher with his hair flowing in the wind as he walks. Well those days are gone! With this new short ‘do, this monumental moment will be remembered forever.

“I think it’s so cool that he donated to locks of love. I like the short hair! I did have to look twice at him though,” says Assistant Principal Jason Liniger.

Assistant Principal Sherri Murphy says “It’s awesome! I love short hair!”

“He’ll notice it the first day of really cold weather, when the wind hits the back of his neck,” says Assistant Principal Danny Rumpf.

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

“I haven’t seen his hair yet, but I’m sure it looks great! Do whatever you like with your hair!” says guidance counselor Geri Beth Chavez.

“I love it! I love Mr. Reickel no matter what hair he has,” says Principal Tracey Franklin, “He is awesome with a capital A. With this haircut, he went from this cool, hip ‘70s professor to a modern, distinguished 2014 professor. Go Reickel!”

The man, Reickel, himself, says “Seven years ago my son graduated and cut his long hair, so I cut mine and donated it to Locks of Love! That was the last time I cut it. I’ve been surprised by the generosity of the students. They’ve all reassured me that I look great. It’s really sweet! It makes me feel like the students are really good people,” he says. “Personally, I like long hair better, always will. I’m a hippie at heart!”

If you’re ever feeling adventurous and want a new look, pull an Eric Reickel and go for it! Cut your hair with confidence!

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