Primary Election Next Tuesday, June 24th

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

vote3The State of Maryland will hold Primary Elections next Tuesday, June 24, 2014.  Political parties will elect their nominees for many elected offices.  Those voters not affiliated with a party will vote for candidates to continue to the General Election in non-partisan races such as Board of Education.

In Frederick County, this election represents a major change in the way we govern ourselves.  Each party will elect candidates for seven County Council seats and a County Executive.  The County Council will consist of five individuals representing five districts, and two individuals representing the county “at-large.”

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster invited candidates for our County Council District, District Five, and those running for our state legislative district to introduce themselves to voters.  Over the next few days, those who chose to respond will be featured on our site.

We hope that ALL of you will participate and vote next Tuesday!

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