Parking Lot Brought Up to Code During Hectic First Week of School
WHS Lions Pride Original Story:
Two weeks before the first day of the school year, you’d see what you thought was a construction zone instead of seeing a student parking lot. This was a problem for some, because back to school night was during construction, which caused students and parents to park on the streets.
Walkersville High School has been undergoing a lot of construction: first updated water fountains, no carpet walls, new gym floor, and now a finished parking lot, days later after the first week of school.
Before these changes, the parking lot was very unsafe. It had 3-4 inch settlement cracks caused by bad weather over time.
The main reason of the student parking lot being redone is because the schools marching band hold their practices in the lot; also a fellow student’s parent happened to fall on her ankle because of a crack, after a home basketball game, causing her to sprained it.
“I will do whatever I have to do to make Walkersville High School a better place for my kids,” said Principal Franklin, adding “even if it’s inconvenient, so be it. As long as my students are safe.”
A week after my interview with Principal Franklin, the parking lot had been complete with filled in cracks and fresh painted parking lines.
Jordin Miller, senior, was asked how it has been practicing on the field instead of the lot. “It’s hard to keep your foot steady and balanced. The grass is always wet and sometimes muddy.” Senior Rob Krantz said the old parking lot was “terrible. The cracks would make me trip.”
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