Education WHS Lions Pride 

New Year Equals New Opportunities for Frosh

WHS Lions Pride Original Story:

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

by Adam Hostetterfrosh - Adam real

The new school year offers a fresh start for all incoming students, especially the incoming freshmen class. The beauty of the new school year is that you can choose who you are and who you want to be in the upcoming year.

All freshmen are not the same, they have a diverse range of talents and interests. Some freshmen play sports and some are interested in clubs. One thing that every freshman has in common is that they are new to Walkersville High School.

I got a chance to meet a very enthusiastic and outgoing freshman, Ryan Campbell. Campbell enjoys being the change in schools and “never wants to leave Mrs. Keleher’s classroom.” Campbell enjoys the change of people but also misses the teachers he knew so well from middle school.

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

Mitchell Brown, like most freshmen, said that his favorite change is lunch. Brown likes the ability “to be able to sit with other people from different grades.” Not only the freshmen, but many Walkersville students find refuge in lunch. It offers an escape from the constant demand of being a high school student.

Other interests among the freshies of this year are the teachers. Mrs. Keleher is a definitely a favorite among the incoming class of 2018. Mr. Stall was also praised by freshman, Josh Redden. Redden said that “Mr. Stull is definitely the coolest teacher so far.”

The Frosh class is an excellent group of people and is the most recent addition to our Walkersville High School family. Welcome Freshman Class of 2018, it will be a short four years.

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