Glade Valley headline News 

Motor Vehicle Accident at MD 194 & Daysville Road

Walkersville Volunteer Rescue Company Reports:

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

At 9:39 a.m., Walkersville Volunteer Rescue Company (Co. 24) and Walkersville Volunteer Fire Company (Co.11) were dispatched to MD 194 and Daysville Road for a vehicle accident with entrapment.

While units were en-route, Emergency Communications Center advised that an off-duty chief was on the scene and advised that there was no entrapment. E111 arrived on the scene to find one car on its side in the ditch with no entrapment, and established command. A249 arrived on the scene to begin patient care. RS24 arrived on the scene to block traffic and begin checking for leaking fluid.

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

One patient was transported to Frederick Memorial Hospital. Command was terminated and all units went in service as ready.

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