Miyako’s a Great Japanese Steakhouse with Flair

WHS Lions Pride Original Story:

Mills Custom Wood Floors

by Ricky Kellerman

Miyako and Taste of Asia are both Japanese steakhouses that serve a variety of different foods. The main difference between them is Miyako knows how to get the customers involved while making good food.

When asked about what he likes most about Miyako, sophomore Jacob Yingling says “They have excellent service and keep the customers feeling welcome.” They are always attentive and asking if you need anything when you need something. They refill your drink as soon as you run out!

Miyako also does little side shows  to keep the customers involved with the chef while he’s cooking. Junior Chase Hildebrand says “I love it when they start a fire in a mountain of onion rings to make it look like a volcano.” when he is asked about his favorite performance that the Chef does. They also toss shrimp to the customers and start a huge fire before they start cooking.

They have a variety of different foods that you can eat ranging from steak and chicken to scallops and lobster. When asked about his favorite food to order, Senior Ian Covert says, “I like to order the shrimp and steak because those are the best things there.” You can also order sushi from the counter instead of food from the grill if you want to try something new.

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