Elections Glade Valley Government 

Mary Ann Brodie-Ennis for Town Commissioner

Mills Custom Wood Floors

 1.  Tell our readers about yourself (family, education, employment, community involvement, etc.):
I have been married to David Ennis for 38 years and counting. We were lucky enough to find a house in Walkersville and moved in to the lovely Town in 1986. David and I raised two children here. They thrived in Walkersville and the schools. I attended Syracuse University, and continue to be a basketball fan. I have worked for Montgomery County and Frederick County Parks and Recreation Departments. New Midway/Woodsboro Elementary has been my place of employment for the last 20 years. I am the Special Education Instructional Assistant. My duties include working with students in their math and reading programs, schedule meetings, help students in need and more. I have enjoyed many volunteer positions in our community; girl and Cub Scout leader, Assistant Cub Master for Troop 1070, day camp director for both boy and Girl Scouts,GVAA coach, Walkersville Parks Commission member, several committees at Walkersville United Methodist Church, member of Frederick County Parks and Recreation Commission. I am a co-chair for GVCS Toy Shop.
 2.  What prompted you to file as a candidate for the Town of Walkersville government?
What prompted me to file as a candidate is a good question. I have been blessed to live here for 32 years and raise my children. I strongly believe in serving my community. As an elected commissioner I have been able to work with the other commissioners on increasing the police from three troopers to five, and bring security cameras into the parks. Security of our citizens is important to me. The environment is also important. I have and would like to continue on working to make Walkersville a more sustainable community. As a re-elected Commissioner I will be able to increase the sustainability programs in Town. Fiscal responsibility is also another reason I am running. I believe in keeping the tax rate as low as possible, and maintaining a balanced budget. Preserving Walkersville as a small town is important to me. All of the development happening now is from prior commissions. More residential development is not on my agenda.
 3. What is your main priority if elected?
I have a few priorities; maintain a low tax rate for the citizens, continue to work on sustainability projects, keep our agricultural buffer around the Town, listening and working with citizens.
 4. What are the most important issues facing the Town of Walkersville, and how will you address those issues?
Opioid crisis, safety of the people, maintain low tax rate and sustainability. I will continue to support drug awareness and educational programs in the community. I have begun working with the Town Planner on grants to help with sidewalk repairs. As is evident walking around town there are areas in desperate need of sidewalk repair. Good sidewalks are a benefit to pedestrians and children riding bicycles. Maintaining a low tax rate requires ensuring spending is kept in check. I will continue working on replacing the street lights with LED lights, we have already completed some areas. Also, I have worked with the Town employees on implementing shredding events, ran a back composting event. I will work with volunteers on bringing a Green Day to Town.
 5. How long have you lived in Walkersville?
I have lived her for 32 years. I live in Glade Town.
 6. How can Walkersville’s Government support business development within Walkersville?
I think the Economic Development Commission should be reinstated. I believe it is an organization that can support existing businesses and promote Walkersville as a place for businesses to come.
7. What are your plans to inform more residents of issues and events in Walkersville?
The web page needs to be updated and maybe even redone. By improving the web page it can be made more interactive for our citizens. It also can be constructed so the staff can get the pertinent information on more quickly and easily. Continue placing information in the water bill. It is important to offer different modes of communication to reach all of the citizens.
8. What are your thoughts on growth in Walkersville?
I am not a fan of increasing residential development. The development occurring now was put in place many years ago. We have not approved any new development. I came to Walkersville because it is a small town and believe we need to keep it that way. I do think we need to work on business development.
9. The following topics will likely come before those elected in September. Please give your thoughts on these topics:
a. Proposed Revision to the Monocacy River Management Plan:
I support a Monocacy River Management Plan that is a compromise between the agriculture community and the environmental community.
b. Rock Creek School Relocation to Walkersville Middle School property:
I do believe Frederick County needs a new facility for the students at Rock Creek. I am not sure Walkersville is the best site for it. I have concerns about the amount of bus parking they are planning behind the houses in Glade Village. I also am not pleased with the amount of green space they plan to build over. Also, traffic on Frederick Street in the morning and afternoon will increase with more buses.
c. Solar Farm on Biggs Ford Road:
Solar farms, or arrays are a benefit to communities and the environment. I do know the agriculture community has many concerns about losing valuable fertile land. If this is prime farm land for crops, maybe it should not become a solar array. Another issue with this one is they are asking to put on the property is much larger than is presently allowed.
d. Water Rates to pay for the new Water Treatment Plant:
As your readers know we are in the process of having a new water plant constructed. The new plant will ensure if our water supply is not contaminated as happened twice in the past. This plant is a reverse osmosis plant and will prevent contaminates from getting through. The tap fees for development have been increased. The water rates may need to increase, but I plan to advocate for the least increase possible.
GladeValley.net has asked every candidate for office in the Town of Walkersville’s September 10, 2018 Election the same set of questions. All responses will be shared along with any links to their campaign sites and/or social media provided.
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