Mark Long, Democrat Candidate for County Council in District 5

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

MarkLong_editedMark Long was born and raised in Frederick County, and more specifically within the fifth council district.  His family has lived here for many generations.  Mark lives in Thurmont with his wife of forty years where they raised their two children who are now grown.

Mark owns and operates a home inspection business.  He started the business after working within his family’s construction business for many years.

While he’s never held political office, he was elected to the Eastern District Executive Board of the Moravian Church’s Northern Province.  He served on that board for eight years with oversight of the denomination’s programs and congregations in the northeastern United States and in Toronto, Canada.

Mark chose to seek the County Council seat for District 5 to make sure Frederick County continues to be a “wonderful place to live, work and raise families.”  To meet that goal, he plans to listen and effectively represent the interests of all our citizens and communities, “not just a few special interest groups.”  He believes in considering the views and interests of everyone, and working respectfully and constructively to build consensus whenever possible. “I know I can help move Frederick County in a more positive direction for the benefit of all our citizens.”

For Glade Valley and the rest of District 5, Mark sees the county council seat as a special responsibility to communicate and advocate for issues important to northern Frederick County.  He pointed out that issues in other parts of the county impact District 5 residents, too.  He noted the delays in repairing schools and roads in some parts of the county as funds are used to address poorly planned sprawl in other parts of the county.

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

Mark advocates restoring a strong Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance to allow development to meet the needs of both existing communities and new residents attracted to our county.

Mark wants the newly formed government to restore funding to essential non-profit human services programs.  He believes the county should continue to operate Montevue Home and Citizens Care and Rehabilitation Center as county services.

While the County Executive will submit a budget that can only be reduced or cut by the County Council, Mark promises to communicate the needs of all in Frederick County.  “We have to invest limited resources carefully, in a manner that reflects the real needs and priorities of the county.” asked all candidates to provide information for our readers to make informed decisions when voting in the Maryland Primary Elections on June 24, 2014.

Mr. Long provided us written statements and information used to write this story.  For more information on his campaign, visit or on Facebook: Mark Long for Frederick County Council.
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