Glade Valley Government headline News 

Main Street Development for Woodsboro

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

The Town of Woodsboro will meet tonight with Verdant Development Group to discuss plans for Marketside, a planned development for the property at Main Street and Maryland Route 194. The parties will discuss the plans and off-site contributions including “major road improvements to Main Street with curb, gutter, sidewalk, street trees, and light posts.”Marketside Main Street Watercolor

The plan calls fro seventy town homes, two commercial pads on the south side, a mix of retail and offices in a twenty-thousand square foot building on the north side, and a large open space. The open space includes a pavilion with community hearth, a community garden, and a tot lot.Marketside Open Space Watecolor

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

“Our goal is to create a ‘main street’ effect . . . We hope this is the spark to a revitalization of Main Street of Woodsboro,” Andrew Brown of J.F. Brown III & Associates, Inc. explained.

Once the town and developer reach an agreement, Verdant Development Group will submit preliminary plans for approval. They hope to be in the ground with construction by Spring of 2016.MOU Concept

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