Long Term Sub Heidi Hellmuth Learned Her Craft Here at WHS
WHS Lions Pride Original Story:
New school year means many new faces, one of them being Heidi Hellmuth. While Jessica Bowers is out on maternity leave until October 1st, Hellmuth will be her long-term substitute teacher.
She is teaching both 10th and 11th grade English classes to many excited students! “I went to Saint Vincent College, It’s a small school up near Pittsburgh,” she says. When asked when she decided she wanted to go into teaching, she said, “I didn’t really know until I was in college. I was taking English classes, a lot of my friends were going into education and I thought it sounded cool.”
Junior Cieara Schultz is in Hellmuth’s first period English class and told us about her experience. “I really like her as a teacher, and I enjoy her teaching style,” Hellmuth is currently teaching To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee and The Crucible by Arthur Miller. These two classic pieces of literature make for an interesting learning experience for both teacher and students.
“The best part is getting to know the kids, especially being the substitute teacher at the beginning of the year I get to start off with everybody and get to know them,” says Hellmuth. All students have someone that inspires them; for many, it’s a certain teacher they had in high school or college.
“Honestly, I went here for high school, and Mr.Van Bloem was one of my favorite English teachers.” When asked about teaching in the future, she said “Definitely! I’ve been applying, and as soon as something opens up I’ll look into it.”
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