Kirby Delauter – County Council District 5 Candidate

Kirby Delauter is the Republican Candidate for County Council District 5. He currently serves as one of the five Frederick County Commissioners, a form of government that will end this year. He owns and operates his family’s construction business, W.F. Delauter and Son, Inc.
Kirby is the son of Russell and Marlene Delauter. He resides in Thurmont, Maryland, with his wife Tina. They have four children: Maureen a graduate of Highpoint University in Highpoint, NC, lives in Thurmont with her husband Blaine Schildt; William a graduate of Virginia Tech; Emily a student at Salisbury University in the nursing program, and Sam a student at Slippery Rock University.
Kirby was raised in Frederick County, graduated from Catoctin High School and is a veteran of the U.S. Army. He worked within the construction industry and in 1993, purchased the family business W.F. Delauter and Son, Inc. The business was started in 1955 by Kirby’s grandfather Willie F. Delauter and his father Russell Delauter. The business continues to operate today doing projects in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. What are the most important issues you hope to tackle on the newly formed County Council?
The most important issues to me are making sure Frederick County remains business friendly and allows business to thrive therefore providing local jobs for local residents. I want to also keep up the pace on school construction as we have for the last 4 years with North Frederick Elementary, Lincoln, the Oakdale addition, the Urbana addition, and keep Frederick High on track for new construction. Even though enrollment is down and we are at an 88% overall capacity, we still need to plan ahead. I want to continue with my fleet services study and continue to implement savings in this area as I have in the past with $3.6 Million in one time savings and projected $6.7 million in annual recurring savings. How will your election to the District 5 seat help residents of Glade Valley, the district, and the county as a whole?
I will do as I have for the last 4 years as Commissioner. I have met with many people from across the county with issues such as property rights, zoning issues, schools, roads and many other issues that they brought to me for answers. When someone entered my office in Winchester Hall, I didn’t ask their political party affiliation, I simply listened to their issue and made sure they received the results they were looking for. I have a proven track record of getting through to the county staff and getting the answers needed to solve problems for constituents. What issue facing Glade Valley residents would you like to address and how would you address that issue?
A few issues come to mind, first are the land rights (down zonings that occurred during the previous Gardner board ). I would continue to work with the municipalities in their issues and assist them in ways such as we did in Rosemont, where we completed their $1.8 Million water system that has been a thorn with them for over 20 years. Previous boards would not assist Rosemont, this Young board gave them the results they needed in approximately 18 months which now provides fire protection and safe drinking water for the town residents of Rosemont, something they have been seeking for over 20 years. The second issue, the previous Gardner board was being sued by 7 of the 12 municipalities, this Young board has placed Dave Dunn as the Municipal liason which has facilitated many issues from the municipal leaders direct to the BoCC which made solving the issues very simple. I would keep this in place, and third, I would continue to work with municipal leaders on tax equity and differential. Walkersville received a tax windfall from our current BoCC ( the Young board ) Walkersville’s tax equity went from $438,520 to $723,189 a 65% Increase. I would continue to keep County spending in check so we can do more for our municipalities, just as we did with tax equity.
Find out more about Kirby Delauter on his web site,
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