How To Buy a Good Homecoming Dress
WHS Lions Pride Original Story:
by Sasha Mazikins
Homecoming is coming next week! Need help buying a dress but don’t know where to purchase one? Here are a few tips of what websites, stores, and malls to go to.
If you are looking for the latest styles by designers like Sherri Hill, Blush, Jovani, La Femme, Terani, and Faviana, then Déjà Vu is the right place for you! They have a variety of dresses, a charming atmosphere in their store, and helpful employees.
“I have bought all of my dresses at Déjà Vu because the workers are very helpful, and they are the only store that sells everything that you could possibly think to need for the dance like shoes, jewelry, and of course dresses,” said freshman, Cameron Maxey.
I used to be hesitant to ordering my dresses online, but this past year I realized it is a life saver. The dresses are half the price as they are in-store, plus they allow you to give the exact waist, torso, breast, and height measurements which make the dress fit perfectly. One of my favorite websites to visit is This website has helpful filter options that allow you to specify size, color, style, brand, and my favorite: price. is another website worth checking out because it has unique, hand-made dresses that no one else will have. Be careful when ordering online because sometimes the colors look different (brighter or higher in contrast) in person than they do online. Also, make sure you consider when you purchase it because shipping takes typically 5-7 days.
“I prefer buying my dresses online because I know that there is no risk of someone else having the same dress as me,” says junior, Mara Novakavic.
Online shopping is convenient; however being able to try on the expensive dress that you are about to purchase is a helpful benefit of shopping in-store. Our local mall FSK has a limited amount of stores to look for fancy dresses, but if you do not feel like venturing out to another mall then here are a few of the quality stores to look at: Charlotte Rousse, Macy’s, and J.C Penny’s.
“I bought my dress from Macy’s and it was a great deal because it was only 30 dollars,” says junior Luisa Bowersox.