Glade Valley Community Services Benefit Concert
St. Timothy’s Catholic Church will host a benefit concert for Glade Valley Community Services on Sunday, November 16, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. Local choirs and musicians will present contemporary and traditional church music under the direction of Dr. Aaron Jansen, director of parish music at Peace in Christ Lutheran Church.
The concert serves as the organization’s major fundraising event of the year. Thrivent Financial will match the funds collected through the freewill offerings of those attending the concert. The concert is open to the public.
Glade Valley Community Services progams are funded totally through contributions and volunteer time. The offerings made during the concert, Thrivent Financial’s matching funds, and donations support the organizaiton’s many programs which include:
- Glade Valley Food Bank,
- Holiday Toy Shoppe,
- Back to School Project,
- Emergency Relief Fund,
- Glade Valley Community Thrift Shop, and
- Summer Outreach Lunch Program.
If you cannot attend or would just like to support Glade Valley Community Services, please send a check in the mail to:
Glade Valley Community Services
P.O. Box 655
Walkersville, MD 21793