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Glade Valley 4-H’ers Having A GREAT Frederick Fair

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

4-H Members from Glade Valley area 4-H Clubs are off to a GREAT start at The Great Frederick Fair!  Winning awards and raising funds for 4-H seem to come naturally to these young leaders in the community.

2014 4-H Royalty
2014 – 2015 Frederick County 4-H Royalty including Chase Ferguson (second from left) as 4-H Prince and Ashley Fuss (fourth from left) as Frederick County 4-H Queen.

Friday evening, Ashley Fuss of the Walkersville 4-H Club was crowned the 50th Frederick County 4-H Queen.  Garret Buckmeier of Keymar was crowned 4-H King.  Chase Ferguson, a student at Walkersville High School and member of the Johnsville 4-H Club, was selected First-Runner-Up to the 4-H King.  As part of the celebration of the crowning of 4-H’s 50th Queen, some of the past 4-H Royalty were in attendance; many of those have close ties to Glade Valley.  Can you identify the Glade Valley residents?

4-H Royalty (left to right): 4-H King Jonathan Stevens, 4-H Queen Elizabeth Zimmerman Benitez, 4-H Queen Kimberly Stup Ocasek, 4-H Queen Donielle Inskeep Axline, 4-H King Michael Kuster, 4-H Queen Tanya Duvall Ramsburg, 4-H King Garret Buckmeier, 4-H Queen Ashley Fuss, 4-H King Robert Fogle, 4-H Queen Sara Arnold, 4-H Queen Megan Toms, 4-H Queen Adrienne Shafer Summers, 4-H Queen Jocelyn Figgins, 4-H Prince Mark Stup, 4-H King Ian Sanville
Jess Martin of the Walkersville 4-H Club discusses her sewing entry with Fran Wiles, a sewing department judge.

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

In the 4-H Building, area 4-H members have also had a great showing.  Members received blue ribbons, class champions, and overall awards.  Jessica Martin of the Walkersville 4-H Club won Reserve Grand Champion Cake with her carrot cake.  Kathleen Kuster of the Kaleidoscope 4-H Club won Grand Champion in decorated textiles with her painted t-shirt, and champion peanut butter cookies.  Jackson Kuster, also of the Kaleidoscope 4-H Club, won champion ribbon for a lamp he built and reserve champion for a computer program he wrote.

jack at chicken showSunday’s 4-H Poultry Showmanship brought more luck to area 4-H Club members.  Zachary Crum and Jackson Kuster, both students at Walkersville Middle School participated with their chickens.  Members were judged on their knowledge of their birds and their handling of the animals.  Zachary won first place and overall grand champion at the show.  Jackson won fourth place.

Also on Sunday, 4-H Prince Chase Ferguson of Walkersville made a great showing at the Swine Shows of The Great Frederick Fair. Chase won Master Showman, Grand Champion Purebred Barrow and Champion Yorkshire Gilt.chaseferguson-hog

There are a lot more shows and activities taking place during The Great Frederick Fair.  We’ll try to share more about Glade Valley 4-H’ers and their accomplishments throughout the week.


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