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Glade Coat Drive

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

coat driveGlade Elementary School hopes to Spread the Warmth to more than two-hundred Glade Valley children this winter. They ask for help reaching this goal by asking the community to donate all types of clean, gently-used coats. Donors may place donations in the labeled box in the Glade Elementary School’s lobby during regular school hours October 30th – November 25th, at STEM Night on November 12th, or during Parent Teacher Conferences on November 24th and November 25th.

From windbreakers to parkas, they request donations of all sizes, from infants to adults. They do request working snaps and zippers on the donations.

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

All donations will be distributed at the Glade Valley Community Services Holiday Toy Shoppe. The drive is coordinated by the Glade Elementary School PTA. Any questions may be directed to Cara Boledovic by e-mailing

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