Gene Stanton – Closing Statement Before Election Day

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

GeneStantonIn a few days, all the campaigning will be over and the voters will have their say. It is my fervent hope that when all of the voters have spoken, my service in Annapolis will begin.

I still have the old fashioned belief that elected officials serve the people that elect them and not their own interests; that the interests of their constituents are all that matters.

Almost a year ago, I decided to offer myself in service to all of the people in District 4 as a candidate for Delegate to our State Assembly.

For almost a year, I have traveled the length and breadth of District 4 constantly, meeting as many people as possible, to hear their hopes and listen to their concerns personally. What I found was that most people want the same things.

District 4 residents want high quality schools. They want the county and the state to provide a level of funding for our schools that will guarantee a first-rate education for all of our children. We can no longer balance our budgets by short-changing our school system. Doing so reduces our property values, erodes our tax base and lowers our quality of life.

Everybody I spoke with in District 4 expressed support for having developers pay the full cost of the infrastructure improvements their developments require – and that none of these costs should be put on the backs of existing residents!

I found lots of support for preserving the farms in our communities and helping the family farmers among us keep farming. We must value our family farms and our rural way of life. I am the only candidate in District 4 addressing this important issue.

I found that people believe in basic fairness, for everybody. People from all walks of life want only the best for themselves, their families, and their communities.

People also really want good government. Frederick County residents want our government to live within its means, as each of us must do when we make our own budgets.

I am proud of all of the many endorsements I have received, including but not limited to, our Teachers and Firefighters in Frederick County, The Emmitsburg New-Journal, The Carroll County Times, Parents Choice of Maryland, The Sierra Club, Clean Water Maryland, RALE, and Equality Maryland.

One thing I didn’t find during almost a year of non-stop campaigning was a lot of partisanship. The desire for making our communities better was just as strong among Republicans, Independents and Democrats.

This was very encouraging, especially since my opponents in District 4 seem to be basing their campaigns on appeals to extreme partisanship that have nothing to do with our District. The voters – including many Republicans and Independents I have spoken with – don’t appreciate this divisiveness and have rejected it. In fact, many Republicans who reject this extremism are supporting me.

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

As you prepare to vote on November 4, or as you vote early starting October 23, remember:

If you want to cut taxes for our small businesses, vote for Gene Stanton.

If you want to cut taxes for our family farmers, vote for Gene Stanton.

If you want to stop overdevelopment and make the developers pay for improvements – not the taxpayers – vote for Gene Stanton.

If you want to widen I-270 and US15 Now, vote for Gene Stanton.

If you want to end school overcrowding, vote for Gene Stanton.

If you want an independent advocate in Annapolis, vote for Gene Stanton.

I am running because I still believewhat my parents and my teachers taught me: that we all have a responsibility as citizensto participate in the political process, to make our communities and our country a better place.

I believe that elected officials are supposed to serve ALL of their constituents. I will always listen to all points of view; I can always be persuaded by a sound argument based on facts.

I offer myself in service to all of the citizens of Frederick County and Carroll County.

I ask for your support and your vote. May God bless Maryland and the citizens of District 4.

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