Frosh Have Many Different Feelings About the First Day

WHS Lions Pride Original Story:

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

features - hanna - first dayby Hanna Houck

Ask students how they feel about being at school on the first day and you will get many different answers. Some are excited to see the friends they haven’t seen all summer, some are dreading it and just want to go home and watch Netflix, and others are nervous.

When asked what his favorite part of high school was, freshmen Matthew Bennici said “Having people from different walks of life around you to share their experiences and stories is really cool.”

Many freshmen faced the difficult task of finding their way around the school. The countless crowded hallways made the task slightly more difficult. Anna McClatchie said that the worst part of her day was “finding the bathrooms.”

Everyone knows that you have way more freedom and opportunities in high school than in middle school, but is high school better? Anna says “I don’t miss a thing about middle school.” There you have it folks! High school is up to par!

Congratulations freshies, you have completed Day 1 of Freshmen year. Good luck with the other 179!

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

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