Education WHS Lions Pride 

Field Trip to Earth and Space Systems Laboratory Yields Heavenly Results

WHS Lions Pride Original Story:

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

space lab 2space lab 3

by Elizabeth Knight

Students in the earth, space, and science research (ESSR) class here at Walkersville High got the opportunity to go visit the Earth and Space Systems Laboratory (ESSL) in downtown Frederick to learn more about the earth systems they are learning about in class.

The ESSL program has been around for many years educating those of all ages, about how earth and space works. Many students get the opportunity to go to this when they are in elementary school and some even get to go with more advanced courses in middle and high school.

Science teacher Susan Faibisch took her ESSR class to this program on Wednesday to expand on the topics that they were talking about in the previous weeks. Senior Zoe Sharrer said her favorite part about the field trip was “the movie in the planetarium.” The ESSL program is most famous for the planetarium where they show movies and slideshows.

Students also got the opportunity to see different types of animals that they were allowed to pick up and hold. Sharrer said her favorite animal was “the snake.”

Senior Wilson Yoingco said his favorite animal was “the iguana.”

I asked Senior Tanner Seymour if he was excited to go back to this program he said, “yes, because it’s fun, and I want to get an internship there.” Other students in the class are also interested in possibly getting an internship opportunity with the ESSL program this year.

When asked if he thought this trip was beneficial Yoingco’s response was “yes, because it was very educational and interactive.” This trip really helped students connect what they were learning in class in another environment.

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

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