Fence Regulations Being Updated

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

The Town of Walkersville’s Planning Commission met Wednesday, May 13, 2014 for its regularly scheduled workshop. A request by town commissioners to update fencing regulations monopolized the meeting. Susan Hauver, Planning and Zoning Administrator for the town, presented rules and regulations from various municipalities throughout the state.

Planning commissioners spent a considerable time debating the sizes to be permitted on different properties based upon location on a block, zoning, and safety. Consensus seemed to be that residential properties should be limited to fences four feet in height on front yards, and six feet in height on side yards unless those yards front a street. Commissioners proposed that no fencing should be permitted in a zone of safety on corner lots to allow motorists to see around corners.

That proposal led to a discussion of making any obstruction of view within the area discussed a violation. That would include parked cars, trees, shrubs, etc.

The commissioners unanimously decided that agricultural properties would be exempt from any fencing regulations.

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

Commercial properties would be restricted in heights to 8 or 10 feet in height. Only commercial properties would be allowed to have barbed wire fencing and then only on top of fences at least 8 feet high.

The Planning Commission direct the Planning & Zoning Administrator to bring a proposed ordinance with definitions to their next hearing which is scheduled for May 27, 2014.

The Planning Commission also briefly discussed permitting permeable pavements within the Town of Walkersville. An engineering firm contract with the town reviewed previous proposals and state regulations. Based upon the firms advice, the Planning Commission reviewed state requirements and determined that the soil composition and features of Walkersville would not allow permeable pavement. They will vote on the issue at their next hearing on May 27, 2014.

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