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Early Morning Police Chase

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

Thursday morning turned out to be a very busy morning in Walkersville. An accident on Maryland 194 at East Frederick Street caused a disruption to traffic. Not long after that and just as elementary school students were making their way to bus stops and walking to school this morning, police converged upon Walkersville from all directions. Police cruisers and unmarked cars ripped down Pennsylvania Avenue just as the children along the street were about to cross the street to their bus stop. Overhead, Maryland State Police searched the area with their helicopter.

Many parents expressed concern about sending their children onto the streets in the midst of the chaos. Some were surprised that the schools were not locked down. One fifth grader told us she was about to step off the curb when one unmarked car with lights and sirens streaked past her. As they stood waiting for their bus, they could see police activity near the Walkersville Bowling Alley.

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

Shortly before this activity, an officer called for assistance in chasing a young man wanted for a crime that has not been disclosed. The suspect ran behind Walkersville High School toward Walkersville Community Park. Police were involved in a foot chase, and the responding officers aiding in finding and capturing the wanted criminal along Biggs Ford Road.

The suspect was apprehended. Maryland State Police could not provide any information on why the young man was wanted.

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