Sports WHS Lions Pride 

Do You Have a Clever Nickname on the Back of Your Tailgating Shirt?

WHS Lions Pride Original Story:

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

by Shamus Beck

Every year the sea of Walkersville faithful comes and supports the football team clad in their WHS spirit wear, typically their yellow, black, or blue tailgating shirts.

The front of the shirts usually say ‘Walkersville Tailgating Crew’ followed by the season. The back of the shirts are a whole different story. Most students usually have clever nicknames, but do we know the reason behind those nicknames on their shirts?

Maybe it’s just something that they like being called or maybe there’s something more to it. Kaitlyn Tokarz a junior tells us “I chose Tokahontas because my 10TH grade English teacher Mr. Hartwig gave it to me,” . It is names like these that show us that some aren’t just fun names, some do have deep thought put into them.

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

Dalton White an alumni of Walkersville shared his tailgating experiences with us saying “ The back of mine said Stu#wolfpack,” because him and his friends were the four main characters from the popular film series The Hangover.

Chadwick Baulig, a junior, tells us how his name was a little more intricate than most by stating “the name I choose was Wicker Baskets because my name is Chadwick and I play basketball.”

So whether you got your’s from a teacher, friends, or just came up with it yourself all of the nicknames on the back have a meaning even if no one really knows it.

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