Developments in the Works

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

Approximate outline of Mill Run Property where 26 homes are planned.
Approximate outline of Mill Run Property where 26 homes are planned.

If you don’t attend Walkersville’s regularly scheduled Planning Commission Workshops and Hearings, you are probably missing a lot of information that may impact your life in our home town.  Here’s a quick run-down of some developments coming down the line:

  • Bell Property – The developer of this property on Fountain Rock Road plans roughly one-hundred single-family homes.
  • Mill Run – The developer of this property on West Pennsylvania Avenue plans twenty-six single-family homes.  The property lies between the railroad, the back yards of Maple Avenue, Walkersville Middle School’s track, and a few properties in Glade Village.
  • Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

  • Staley Property – The owner’s of Staley Property propose building four four-unit apartment or condominium buildings on their property along Glade Road, across from Winterbrook.

The Planning Commission meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month.  The public is welcome to attend and comment on proposals before the commission. will continue to report on these plans and future developments as they are proposed.

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