Education WHS Lions Pride 

COLT Leadership Conference Helps FFA Members Learn Officer’s Roles

WHS Lions Pride Original Story:

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

by Elizabeth Knight

FFA ImageWalkersville High schools FFA chapter officers participated in the annual COLT Leadership Conference last weekend that will help them better lead their chapter to success.

Over the weekend, FFA chapters from all over Maryland were invited to come up to Summit Lake which is a Christian camp in Emmitsburg, Maryland. This conference was led by the Maryland State officer team; they helped local chapter officers come up with new ways of leading their chapters and getting more involvement.

The Walkersville High School chapter sent a few of their officers to participate in this conference. President of the Walkersville FFA Chapter Evelyn Etchison said this leadership conference is a good thing to go to for officers because “We learn skills that help us lead our chapter and get more people involved.”

At this leadership conference officers participated in discussions and fun activities that helped them come up with new ideas on leading their chapters to success and getting more involvement from members. They also learned ways to plan better banquets and events which is a large part of the officer’s role.

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

Chase Ferguson said his favorite part of the conference was “meeting people from all over the state and learning how they conduct their chapters.”

Etchison said, “I’m excited for this year because we have lots of fun events planned to get more people involved.” So Walkersville FFA members be on the lookout for fun activities coming up!

This Leadership Conference really helps the officers not just with FFA related activities, but it also helps them learn better leadership skills for other things.  

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