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Bulk Trash Pickup

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

It’s become a much anticipated event in Walkersville and towns across the country.

Bulk Trash Day!

bulk_mainThose looking for a deal plan their attack much like those Black Friday Shoppers. Those hoping to clean out their attics, spare bedrooms, garages, and basements cannot wait to put their clutter out for someone else to take.

The Town of Walkersville will provide bulk trash pickup for residents on Saturday, November 8, 2014.

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

On Friday, November 7th, the trucks and trailers will begin making the circuit. Drivers will slow at each heap of discarded treasures. Before the garbage trucks arrive on Saturday, there will truly be nothing but trash left.  The swarms of pickers will have taken anything of value and somethings they hope to be valuable through refurbishment or just luck.

Citizens can place their bulk trash items at the curb and it will be picked up and taken to the landfill.  You may place your items anytime after trash pickup on Wednesday, November 5th, in the hopes that someone else will pick up your treasures. Items should be placed curbside on Friday night or by  4:00 a.m.

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