“Breach In Protocol” Leads to Ebola Infection in Dallas

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news - ricky - Ebola updateby Ricky Kellerman

For the first time in history, someone has contracted the Ebola virus in the United States. Nurse Nina Pham had contracted the disease from Thomas Eric Duncan, who came to the US from Liberia, while treating the virus.

Pham, 26, graduated from Texas Christian University’s nursing program in 2010, WFAA reported. According to the website for the American Association of Critical Care Nurses, she received certification in critical care nursing on August 1st, less than two months before she began caring for Duncan. Tom Ha, a family friend, described Pham as a devout Catholic who always “puts other people’s interests ahead of her own.” It’s a philosophy she shares with her family, he told CNN.

According to health officials, “She was wearing a gown, gloves, mask and a shield during her multiple visits to care for Duncan but there was a breach in protocol.”

“At some point, there was a breach in protocol, and that breach in protocol resulted in this infection.” Dr. Tom Frieden said at a news conference Sunday. “The (Ebola treatment) protocols work… but we know that even a single lapse or breach in protocol can result in infection.”

On Wednesday October 15th, there was a second doctor to test positive for the Ebola virus after caring for Thomas Eric Duncan. Her name has not yet been released, but from what we know, according to Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins, that she had been monitoring herself for symptoms when she reported having a fever on Tuesday. She was put into isolation within thirty minutes of the report.


Patient 1:



Patient 2:





Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

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