Elections Glade Valley Government 

Board of Elections Issues Voting Information for June 2 Primary

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

All registered and eligible voters in Frederick County and across Maryland will receive ballots in the mail for the June 2 Presidential Primary Election. The Maryland State Board of Elections will mail the ballot to the address on file for every voter. Voters should receive their ballots by mid-May.

Voters must be registered with the Democratic or Republican parties to vote for President and most other contests in the June 2 Primary ElectionAny voter not registered with either of these parties will only be eligible to vote for Board of Education candidates. Voters can verify their registration status and party registration at https://voterservices.elections.maryland.gov/VoterSearch. The deadline to update party affiliation, address or to register to vote is Wednesday May 27.

The primary election, originally scheduled for April, was postponed until June 2 because of the COVID-19 coronavirus. Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan declared a State of Emergency on March 5. Public gatherings of 10 or more people are prohibited, therefore in-person voting must be limited. On March 17, the Governor issued a proclamation delaying the presidential primary election until June 2, 2020. The delay provided the State additional time to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and allowed the State Board of Elections to work with local boards of elections and election workers to implement public health safeguards for the primary election.


Requests can be submitted to have your ballot be delivered to you electronically or to have your ballot mailed to a different address.You can submit a request online or via paper form. If you use a paper form, read the instructions, enter the required information, print the form, sign it, and return it to your local board of elections. You can return it by mail, fax, or email (scanned as an attachment).

You can return your ballot as soon as you have marked your votes. All voted ballots must be postmarked by Election Day, June 2, 2020. The return envelope for the voted ballot will have prepaid postage so it can be mailed.

You may also return your voted ballot at any of three drop-off locations from May 21, 2020 through June 2, 2020. Ballots may be placed in the drop boxes until 8:00 pm on June 2, 2020. The three locations are listed below. More details regarding the hours of operation of the drop boxes will be available soon.

  • Frederick County Board of Elections
    340A Montevue Lane, Frederick, Maryland 21702
  • William R. Talley Recreation Center
    121 N Bentz St, Frederick, MD 21701
  • Urbana Regional Library
    9020 Amelung Street, Frederick, Maryland 21704

For those who need to vote in person, two locations in Frederick County will be open for voting on Tuesday June 2, 2020, from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. Limited in-person voting will be available at the William R. Talley Recreation Center in downtown Frederick, and at the Urbana Regional Library.

In order to abide by social distancing requirements, a limited number of election judges will be available at Frederick County’s two voting centers. Long wait times and lines may occur, so voters should consider the risk of exposure to COVID-19 and vote in-person only if necessary.

  • William R. Talley Recreation Center
    121 N Bentz St, Frederick, MD 21701
  • Urbana Regional Library
    9020 Amelung Street, Frederick, Maryland 21704

Vote safe.
Vote at home.
Vote by mail.

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

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