Billy Idol, Pink Floyd and Foo Fighters All Coming Out with New Music

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by Declan Poehler

2014 is more than halfway over, but there are still many anticipated albums that will be released in the year’s final months.

Billy Idol – Kings & Queens of the Underground – October 21st

Along with Idol’s new album, he has a new autobiography, Dancing with Myself, out as well. This is his first new album of original material in nine years. The album’s single Can’t Break Me Down is a little poppy, but nonetheless it is new Billy Idol and much like his last album, I’m sure it will have some hidden treasures.

She and HimClassics – October 28th

Many don’t know that famed actor Zooey Deschanel is also a very talented musician. This album will be compiled of 13 covers of classic songs. The band has previously been overshadowed but they just signed a record deal with Columbia Records that should boost their popularity.

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

Pink Floyd – The Endless River – November 7th

Perhaps one of the most surprising new releases will come from Pink Floyd. Their first album in twenty years still lacks Roger Waters from the lineup, but fans of the band shouldn’t mind since they’ve had to wait this long.

Foo Fighters – Sonic Highways – November 10th

As if frontman Dave Grohl hadn’t done enough, he went out with his band to record at numerous recording studios across the U.S.A. and recorded music inspired by each location with legendary musicians from the areas. The album will be accompanied by an HBO series of the same name coming on October 17th.

AC/DC – Rock or Bust – December 2nd

With their sixteenth album, AC/DC continue to be one of the most consistent bands around. Many criticize AC/DC for sticking to the same formula for so long, but they are respected by most for never changing who they are.

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