Bethany Beach: Number One Summer Hot Spot

WHS Lions Pride Original Story:

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

 by Becky Brownfeatures - Bethany Beach - Becky

“Va·ca·tion: a period of time that a person spends away from home, school, or business usually in order to relax or travel”

Webster’s dictionary may have their own definition, but when you think of the word vacation, the first thing to pop into your head should be Bethany Beach. When planning a summer vacation you should consider a few things: budget, available entertainment, travel time, and most importantly, the ability to enjoy yourself. Bethany Beach is a quaint, enjoyable beach that is not far from Maryland and is completely worth the trip.

Located in Sussex County, Delaware, Bethany is filled with delicious boardwalk snacks, awesome beach shops, and 1.1 square miles of beach. One feature that makes this a great vacation spot is its small population. With such a small town you are guaranteed quiet relaxation with just enough hustle and bustle to keep you entertained.

“It’s where I’ve gone every summer for my whole life. It’s big enough to have things to do, but it’s not huge, so it feels like home in a small town. It has its own unique style and hasn’t gone commercial over the years” says WHS junior Claire Raimist.

Viewpoints like Claire’s are what make this beach so special. Remember Bethany Beach the next time you’re planning summer vacation for guaranteed, life-long memories

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

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