72 Hour Film Festival

WHS Lions Pride Original Story:

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

by Nadasia Pettaway

Do you love watching movies? How about short plays? Downtown Frederick had a 72-hour Film Festival that started on October 11th. A lot of different clips from movies acted out live.

72 Film Fest is a time based film competition where teams have 72 hours to make a movie. Writers and producers from state to state will be watching them and will be awarding the “winner” by judges that were already in plays and movies.

“We love this year’s theme, and it’s going to be amazing to see how teams will mash together some of Hollywood’s biggest and best films.” says producer Tim DeFoggi in Broadway World News.

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

Director of Blair Witch Pfeatures -- 72 film fest - Nadasiaroject and Possession, Avant Garde, says to Frederick News Post, “it’s like first lines of books, fairy tales, beginning and ending frames of their film.”

Host Mikael Johnson, says to Weinberg Center and Film Fest production “It’s like a remake and different versions of different movies all in one huge event. Tons and tons of people are excited and are I. Its entertainment and we can see how hard and confidence they worked on it. “

There will be some students from Walkersville High School who will be attending to the film festival. Each film will be judged by a panel of industry professionals and awards and prizes will be presented at the end of each night of screenings, including Audience Choice and the coveted Best of the Fest.

Check out the short film made by Walkersville students at this link — https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rqcfO3N4LOM

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