Ralph Whitmore Endorses Mark Long for County Council

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

Walkersville Burgess Ralph Whitmore Endorses Mark Long for County Council District 5

Mark Long (D), candidate for County Council District 5, has picked up the endorsement of Ralph Whitmore (R), Burgess of Walkersville. Whitmore previously faced-off against Long’s opponent, Kirby Delauter (R), in the Primary Election.

Delauter got 53% percent of the vote, while Whitmore earned 47% percent. Only 332 votes separated the two contenders.

“I’m endorsing Mark Long for County Council because he’s made it clear that he will listen to everyone in our community and address our needs, whether Republican, Democrat, or Independent,” said Whitmore.

Mark Long endorsed by County Commissioner David Gray

Joining Whitmore with strong support of Mark Long’s candidacy is County Commissioner David Gray. Together, Whitmore and Gray lead an influential bipartisan body of Northern Frederick County mayors and town commissioners who are backing Long in the November 4 General Election. Long’s other endorsements come from Myersville Mayor Wayne S. Creadick, Jr. (R), Thurmont Mayor John Kinnaird (R), Thurmont Commissioner Wayne Hooper (R), and Emmitsburg Commissioner Glen Blanchard (D).

“Mark Long is a person you can trust, and he will respectfully listen to your opinions,” said Gray.

Local, Award-Winning Country Music from Mike Kuster

With the support of Whitmore, Creadick, and Kinnaird, Mark Long has now been endorsed by a majority of the mayors in District 5.

Mayor John Kinnaird of Thurmont Endorsing Mark Long
Mayor John Kinnaird of Thurmont Endorsing Mark Long

Kinnaird, who governs Thurmont, the district’s largest municipality, is enthusiastic about Mark Long’s ability to bring good government back to Northern Frederick County.

“Knowing Mark for many years, I’m confident he will bring the strong and respectful leadership to the County Council that Northern Frederick County residents deserve,” said Kinnaird. “For too long, the current county government has disregarded the views of our citizens and other elected officials. It’s time for a change, and I know Mark Long will bring the best interests of our communities with him when he’s elected to the council.”

The widespread support from both Republican and Democratic elected officials gives more momentum to Mark Long’s campaign.

“I am truly grateful for the outpouring of bipartisan support my campaign has received from elected officials from across Northern Frederick County,” said Long. “As a member of the the County Council, I promise to remain committed to getting the job done by respecting and listening to the citizens from our community regardless of any party label.”

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